AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: Bs.F. 97.973.320,00
Caracas, Venezuela
The Shareholders of Corimon, C.A. are called to a Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon that will be held on July 31, 2013, at 10:30 a.m., in Pent- House of Edificio Corimon, Calle Hans Neumann de Los Cortijos de Lourdes, Caracas, Venezuela, in order to consider and resolve on the items contained in the following agenda:
- Consider and resolve on the Financial Statements corresponding to fiscal year ended on April 30, 2013, together with the report of the Statutory Auditors, as well as the report of the Board of Directors.
- Consider and resolve on the designation and/or ratification of the Board of Directors and the remuneration of the Directors.
- Consider and resolve on the designation of the Statutory Auditors and their alternates, as well as their remuneration and on the designation of an independent firm of public accountants to issue a report on the annual Financial Statements of the company.
The Board of Directors.
Caracas, July 16th 2013.
Note: Shareholders are informed that the annual reports filed by the Board of Directors, the financial statements audited by public accountants corresponding to the fiscal year ended on April 30, 2013, the statutory auditor’s report, the Project that the Board of Directors will file regarding the modification of the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the company, are available in the company’s office located in Calle Hans Neumann, Edificio Corimon, Pent- House, Los Cortijos de Lourdes, Caracas, Venezuela.