Call – May 22th 2013

“CORIMON, C.A.” AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: Bs.F. 97.973.320,00 SUSCRIBED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL: 78.384.000,00 Caracas, Venezuela CALL The Shareholders of Corimon, C.A. are called to a Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon that will be held on June 6th, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., in Pent- House of Edificio Corimon, Calle Hans Neumann de Los Cortijos…

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Convocatoria – 22 de Mayo de 2013

“CORIMON, C.A.” CAPITAL AUTORIZADO: BS. F. 97.973.320,00 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO: BS. F. 78.384.000,00 CARACAS, VENEZUELA CONVOCATORIA Se convoca a los señores accionistas para la Asamblea General Extraordinaria de Accionistas de Corimon, C.A., que se celebrará el día Jueves seis (06) de junio de 2013, a las 11:00 a.m., en…

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General Meeting of Shareholders 07-30-2012

BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT CORIMON, C.A. GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS CARACAS, July the 30th, 2012. The CORIMON, C.A. Board of Directors is pleased to announce to the shareholders that the financial year has been successfully ended this 30th day of April, 2012. In this respect, it is our pleasure to…

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Informe de la Junta Directiva 30-07-2012

CORIMON, C.A. ASAMBLEA GENERAL ORDINARIA DE ACCIONISTAS Caracas, 30 de julio de 2012 La Junta Directiva de Corimon, C.A. se complace en informar a los señores accionistas que ha concluido satisfactoriamente el ejercicio fiscal terminado el 30 de abril de 2012. En este sentido, es grato informarles que durante el…

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Call – July 30th 2012

“CORIMON, C.A.” AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: Bs.F. 97.973.320,00 SUSCRIBED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL: 78.384.000,00 Caracas, Venezuela CALL The Shareholders of Corimon, C.A. are called to a Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon that will be held on July 30, 2012, at 10:30 a.m., in Pent- House of Edificio Corimon, Calle Hans Neumann de Los Cortijos…

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Convocatoria – 30 de Julio de 2012

“CORIMON, C.A.” CAPITAL AUTORIZADO: BS. F. 97.973.320,00 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO: BS. F. 78.384.000,00 CARACAS, VENEZUELA CONVOCATORIA Se convoca a los señores accionistas para la Asamblea General Ordinaria de Accionistas Corimon, C.A., que se celebrará el día 30 de julio de 2012, a las 10:30 a.m., en el Pent- House…

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