Call – May 03th 2012

“CORIMON, C.A.” AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: Bs.F. 97.973.320,00 SUSCRIBED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL: 78.384.000,00 Caracas, Venezuela CALL The Shareholders of Corimon, C.A. are called to a Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon that will be held on May 21, 2012, at 11:00 a.m., in Pent- House of Edificio Corimon, Calle Hans Neumann de Los Cortijos…

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Convocatoria – 21 de Mayo de 2012

“CORIMON, C.A.” CAPITAL AUTORIZADO: BS. F. 97.973.320,00 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO: BS. F. 78.384.000,00 CARACAS, VENEZUELA CONVOCATORIA Se convoca a los señores accionistas para la Asamblea General Extraordinaria de Accionistas Corimon, C.A., que se celebrará el día Lunes 21 de mayo de 2012, a las 11:00 a.m., en el Pent-…

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CALL OF MEETING – September 19th, 2011

“CORIMON, C.A.” AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: BS.F. 97.973.320,00 SUBSCRIBED AND PAID-IN CAPITAL: BS. F. 78.384.000,00 CARACAS, VENEZUELA CALL The Shareholders of Corimon, C.A. are called to a Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon that will be held on September 19, 2011 at 3:00 PM., in the penthouse of the building Corimon, located on Calle…

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Convocatoria – 19 de Septiembre de 2011

“CORIMON, C.A.” CAPITAL AUTORIZADO: BS. F. 97.973.320,00 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO: BS. F. 78.384.000,00 CARACAS, VENEZUELA CONVOCATORIA Se convoca a los señores accionistas para la Asamblea General Extraordinaria de Accionistas de Corimon, C.A., que se celebrará el día 19 de septiembre de 2011, a las 3:00 PM., en el Pent-…

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Corimon ranked 36 of the Top 100 Companies in Venezuela

In the 315th edition of the Business Venezuela’s magazine, the Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Venamcham) published it’s ranking of the 100 largest companies in Venezuela where Corimon was located at position 36 of the ranking.[frame_right][/frame_right] The study took in consideration a number of metrics to evaluate each…

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CORIMON, C.A. GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING Caracas, July 25, 2011 The Board of Directors of Corimon, C.A. is pleased to inform its shareholders that the fiscal year ended on April 30, 2011 has concluded satisfactorily. In this sense, we are pleased to inform you that, during the fiscal year ending on…

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Informe de la Junta Directiva 25-07-2011

CORIMON, C.A. ASAMBLEA GENERAL ORDINARIA DE ACCIONISTAS Caracas, 25 de julio de 2011 La Junta Directiva de Corimon, C.A. se complace en informar a los señores accionistas que ha concluido satisfactoriamente el ejercicio fiscal terminado el 30 de abril de 2011. En este sentido, es grato informarles que durante el…

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