Call – July 31th 2018

AUTHORIZED CAPITAL: Bs.F. 97.973.320,00
Caracas, Venezuela


The shareholders of the Company are called to the General Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Corimon, C.A., to be held on July 31, 2018, at 10:30 a.m., at the Pent House of Edificio Corimon, located at Calle Hans Neumann de Los Cortijos de Lourdes, in Caracas, Venezuela, to consider and resolve upon the items contained in the following agenda:
1. To consider and resolve upon the Financial Statements pertaining to the fiscal year ended on April 30, 2018, based on the Statutory Auditor’s Report, and the Board of Directors’ Report.
2. To consider and resolve, based on the project submitted by the Board of Directors, upon decreeing a special dividend to be charged against the Retained Earnings account.
3. To consider and resolve, regarding the proposed increase in the authorized capital stock of the company up to the amount of Bs. 20,000,000,000 (Bs.S. 20,000,000, and in accordance with article 76 of the Ley de Mercado de Valores ​​authorize the Board of Directors to increase the subscribed capital up to the authorized capital limit, within 2 years following the authorization granted.
4. To consider and resolve on the proposal to increase the subscribed and paid capital of the company in Bs. 14,921,616,000 (BsS.14,921,616) to take it up to the amount of Bs. 15,000,000,000 (Bs.S 15,000,000) through the issuance of 149,216,160 new common shares, with a nominal value of Bs. 100 (Bs.S 0.10) each, to be subscribed and paid by means of dividend capitalization and in cash, exclusively by the lords shareholders of the company.
5. Authorize the Board of Directors of the company to execute all the acts and procedures required to comply with the decision of the Assembly.
6. To consider and resolve upon the designation of the Statutory Auditors and their alternates, and to fix their remuneration, and upon the designation of an independent public accountants’ firm to issue its opinion on the Company’s annual Financial Statements.
The Board of Directors

Caracas, July 14th of 2018.

Note: The shareholders are notified that the Report of the Board of Directors, the financial statements audited by public accountants, pertaining to the fiscal year ended on April 30, 2018, and the statutory auditors’ report, are available to them at the offices of the company located at calle Hans Neumann, edificio Corimon, Pent House, Los Cortijos de Lourdes, Caracas, Venezuela, and at the bank Venezolano de Crédito Banco Universal, Securities Department, at Avenida Alameda, Piso 8, San Bernardino, Caracas, Venezuela, and in the web page of Corimon: